How To Boost Your Immune System During The Coronavirus.

As I’m writing this article, I’m confined to my apartment amidst the Coronavirus outbreak and, most likely, you are too.

During these times, you might be wondering how to prevent being infected, or if there are ways to fight against the virus.

I’m going to preface this by saying that there are no miracle cures, foods, or supplements against the virus. The tips I’m going to give you may help boost your immune system and put you in optimal conditions, but they are not automatically going to prevent you from getting the virus.

It’s very important that you stay at home, practice social distancing, and wash your hands very frequently as well.

That being said, here are some tips on how to boost your immune system!

Eat the right foods.
You probably guessed it, eating healthily is going to be the main focus of this post.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. 
Now more than ever, it’s time to eat your fruit and veggies!
I hope you all know how important they are for optimal well-being thanks to their great health

They are filled with healthy fiber, which, among other things, supports your gut health (more on that later). They are rich in important vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, anti-inflammatory agents..the list goes on.
So make sure to stock up on these goods.

2. Go for the frozen options.
Since you should be limiting your time outside, and therefore spending as little time grocery shopping as possible, it’s a good idea to stock up on frozen foods.
For some reason, people seem to think that frozen fruit and veggies aren’t as healthy as fresh ones. In reality, frozen produce may even be more nutritious than what you buy “fresh” in stores.
They are picked at peak maturity and are most often frozen without the addition of any chemicals. The only thing they might contain is ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to help prevent spoiling.
Check the ingredients before you buy and stock up on the frozen goods. That way, you’ll be sure to have all the fruit and veggies you need for weeks!

And what about canned vegetables? Well, they aren’t all created equal. If they contain no added ingredients or preservatives and are in a BPA-free container, go for it— they are super healthy as well!

3. Get plenty of antioxidants.
Now’s also the time to get in some antioxidants. They help defend your cells from the damage caused by free radicals. When free radicals accumulate in your body (from pollution, smoke, UV rays…), it causes oxidative stress.

This can damage molecules in your body, increasing your risk of cancer and premature aging. They’re also great to prevent and fight off infections.

There are different types of antioxidants: Vitamin C is found in many fruit and vegetables. Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds. Lutein is found in leafy green vegetables. Selenium is found in nuts, shellfish, poultry, and whole-wheat foods. Polyphenols are found in berries, wine, grapes, tea, dark chocolate, and apples.
Here is an article with all the details concerning which foods contain which antioxidants. Make sure to check it out!

4. Take care of your gut health.
Your gut microbiome refers to the different microorganisms living in your large intestine. It’s basically your “good” gut bacteria. Studies are constantly demonstrating the link between our microbiome and numerous aspects of our health.

A healthy gut is especially important for a healthy immune system. During these times, it’s important that you take care of your gut health in order to have the strongest immune system possible.
Make sure to eat plenty of fiber, whole grains, and fruit and veggies. Fermented foods are also a great way to enrich your probiotic bacteria. Yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough, miso…there are many options to add to your plate!

Make sure to check out this post for more information on gut health and which foods to eat for optimal gut microbiome.

5. Don’t forget herbs and spices!
Herbs and spices are often forgotten but they can be great tools to help boost your immune system and fight infection.

They contain many antioxidants and often have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon…add them to your favorite dishes!

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