Take This For 4 Days and you Can Remove the Fat from the Belly, Back, Thighs and Arms

The fat stored in the belly is one of the most difficult to eliminate, and it is perhaps for this reason that annually millions of women are usually subjected to strict dietary treatments, which in a great number of cases are harmful to health. What undoubtedly these women do not know, is that nature gives us herbs with extraordinary properties to help us lose weight and slim the belly. Look at the powerful natural recipe based on sage and laurel to lose weight that we will teach you to prepare next.

Miracle diets and excessive exercise can lead to serious damage to our overall health. This type of natural treatment that we will teach you to prepare then will not put your health at risk in the least.

Look below how to make this powerful infusion of sage and laurel to lose weight and achieve a flat stomach in only a few days.

Infusion of sage and laurel to lose weight and have a flat stomach

With the ingestion of this powerful natural infusion of sage and laurel to lose weight and a relatively healthy lifestyle, you will achieve a very flat belly in less than you can imagine.

This infusion of sage, greatly favors the digestive functions, helping to reduce considerably centimeters of the abdomen.

Properties of sage

The Sage is a very powerful plant, part of the mint family. It grows in the Mediterranean and its aspect is rather of small tree, with flowers that vary between red, pink and white shades. Traditionally, sage has been used to treat various types of diseases, as well as to promote wisdom.

The minerals, vitamins and antioxidants present in this powerful herb, work exelente at the moment of helping to reduce measures and eliminate those extra kilos that both both bother sometimes.

Look below the main properties that this powerful herb possesses:

  • -It is a powerful natural diuretic (eliminates fluid retention)
  • -Promotes digestion, eliminates gas and other digestive discomfort
  • -It is a powerful natural detoxifier
  • -Calm stomach spasms
  • -Very powerful herb at the time of eliminating viruses and bacteria
  • -Contains abundant vitamin A and C
  • -Strengthens the immune system
  • -Helps to level blood sugar levels
  • -Relieves menstrual cramps
  • -Fight the headaches
  • -Promotes healing

Let’s see now, how to prepare this powerful natural remedy of sage and laurel to lose weight.


  • -A sprig of cinnamon
  • -A handful of sage leaves
  • -5 bay leaves
  • -One lemon’s juice
  • -A liter of water


  • 1.Bring the water to the fire and when it boils add cinnamon, laurel and sage.
  • 2.Lower the heat a little and let it boil for at least 5 minutes.
  • 3.Let the infusion sit and finally add the lemon juice.

Mode of consumption:

Take this powerful infusion of sage and laurel to lose weight for 4 consecutive days in fasting. Each preparation of a liter of water, can last up to 3 or 4 cups.

Try not to consume large amounts of fats and sugars while you perform this treatment of sage and laurel to lose weight, to enhance the results thereof.

Repeat treatment every 2 or 3 weeks if desired.


This treatment is not recommended for:

  • -Pregnant women
  • -People with kidney failure
  • -People with neurological conditions

Be constant in the treatment and in your healthy habits of life, and you will see the results so longed for sooner than you can imagine!

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