Rub THIS On Your Hands To Remove Dark Spots Fast
Dark spots blemishes or dark spots are colorless spots that occur around the face, hands and forearms. Although the exact cause for their occurrence is not yet familiar, doctors believe that they arise as a result of being exposed to the more than you should. The following natural remedies are the best ones that will help you in removing the dark spots.
Castrol Oil and Baking Soda
If you want to get rid of the skin tags, then you should definitely make a mixture of Baking Soda and Castrol Oil. Mix them until you get a paste and then apply it on the skin. Pasta can be refrigerated maximum of 48 hours. Apply this process twice or thrice a day.
Lemon is good to fade dark spots. What you need to do is: first of all, you need to soak a piece of cotton in lemon juice. Then, rub the stains two times a day. This is a safe and simple way.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is another very effective way to remove dark spots. Place the aloe in a dark place and let stand like that for 30 mins. If you want, you can also use the gel which is in the inner part of the aloe.
Another incredible ingredient that could handle this situation is the onion. Use onion juice and placed it directly to the dark spot. Then, leave it in that position for 10-15 min. and then rinse it off. Repeat this procedure every day and the dark spots will disappear.
Horseradish is good if it’s mixed with vinegar. Apply the mixture to the dark spot on a daily basis and they will slowly subside.
Vitamin C Serums
Substances which are organic and free of chemicals might do magic to your skin! They possess vitamin C in their structure and at the same time, can delete the dark spots immediately. But, what is more important, they can revive your damaged skin.
Cleansing out clogged pores
Clogged pores, which are made of a buildup of oil skin, could make your skin look bumpy. Although it’s not a serious skin condition, they are able to destroy the silky skin appearance. There is a risk if it’s not cleared in a blink of an eye, it could infect itself.
Sugar scrub
With the help of lotion made of sugar and lemon is possible to unclog the pores and restore the luster of the skin. Directions: Apply the lotion on a piece of organic cotton and then in a circular way apply it to the pores. Once you clear the face with the lotion, rinse it with lukewarm water
Undoubtedly, steaming represents one of the greatest ways for unclogging pores. But before you start doing anything else, you should wash your face. Next, put your face over boiling water in a pot. In order your face to be exposed as much as it could to the steam, cover your head with a towel and stay in that position for 10 minutes. Then, you can wash your face as you regularly do with lukewarm water.
Castrol Oil and Baking Soda
If you want to get rid of the skin tags, then you should definitely make a mixture of Baking Soda and Castrol Oil. Mix them until you get a paste and then apply it on the skin. Pasta can be refrigerated maximum of 48 hours. Apply this process twice or thrice a day.
Lemon is good to fade dark spots. What you need to do is: first of all, you need to soak a piece of cotton in lemon juice. Then, rub the stains two times a day. This is a safe and simple way.
Aloe Vera is another very effective way to remove dark spots. Place the aloe in a dark place and let stand like that for 30 mins. If you want, you can also use the gel which is in the inner part of the aloe.
Another incredible ingredient that could handle this situation is the onion. Use onion juice and placed it directly to the dark spot. Then, leave it in that position for 10-15 min. and then rinse it off. Repeat this procedure every day and the dark spots will disappear.
Horseradish is good if it’s mixed with vinegar. Apply the mixture to the dark spot on a daily basis and they will slowly subside.
Vitamin C Serums
Substances which are organic and free of chemicals might do magic to your skin! They possess vitamin C in their structure and at the same time, can delete the dark spots immediately. But, what is more important, they can revive your damaged skin.
Cleansing out clogged pores
Clogged pores, which are made of a buildup of oil skin, could make your skin look bumpy. Although it’s not a serious skin condition, they are able to destroy the silky skin appearance. There is a risk if it’s not cleared in a blink of an eye, it could infect itself.
Sugar scrub
With the help of lotion made of sugar and lemon is possible to unclog the pores and restore the luster of the skin. Directions: Apply the lotion on a piece of organic cotton and then in a circular way apply it to the pores. Once you clear the face with the lotion, rinse it with lukewarm water
Undoubtedly, steaming represents one of the greatest ways for unclogging pores. But before you start doing anything else, you should wash your face. Next, put your face over boiling water in a pot. In order your face to be exposed as much as it could to the steam, cover your head with a towel and stay in that position for 10 minutes. Then, you can wash your face as you regularly do with lukewarm water.