Honey Wraps – Cures Strong Cough and Removes Mucus from the Lungs in Just One Night! Especially Efficient For Children !!!

This is the solution which you must try if you suffer from colds and diseases of the respiratory tract. This is natural remedy which will surely help you to overcome the mentioned health disorders.

It has high biological activity and along with the coating, the honey can effectively discard mucus which is usually present in the most severe coughing attacks.

These wraps are very beneficial because they can neutralize the bad cough very quickly. Also, another positive thing is that they are especially effective for children. All of the necessary ingredients are well known and easy to find.

Honey Wrap Recipe


Vegetable oil
Band-Aid adhesive tape


Firstly mix the flour with small amount of honey, so that this combination does not stick to your hands. This mixture later will be used for the compress.

Add some vegetable oil and roll it in flour once again. After you complete this steps, place the mixture on a napkin and wrap the napkin in cheesecloth.

Attach this wrap onto chest or your back by using the plaster adhesive tape.

Take care to not place this wrap in the area of the heart. This wraps should be slightly above your heart.

If you use this remedy to treat coughs in children then the best time to put this compress is 2 – 3 hours before going to bed. Children should not sleep with this wraps attached!

If adults are treated with this remedy, their compress can stay for the whole night. If you want enhanced effect you can add a little bit of mustard powder.

You should also put some protection on the sheets because during this treatment you will probably sweating a lot and the sheets might get wet.

These wraps are very effective because they contain good anti-inflammatory properties and slight warming effects. You will notice that the improvements will come very quickly. You can feel the positive benefits of these wraps even in the initial stage of the disease.

Even when you feel improvement only after the first compress, you should repeat this treatment for several days for best healing effects.

When you can use these honey wraps:

Use these honey wraps when you are experiencing some bad coughs. Children younger than 6 months should not use these honey wraps. Also, if child has some skin injuries or diseases, you should not apply this wraps on his chest or back.

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