This Is The Reason Why You’re Going To Freeze Lemon From Now On!

Lemons have some natural healthy compounds present in them called limonoids. They might even stop the growth of cancer, particularly breast cancer.
New studies have proven this. Every part of lemon can be used. The seeds, the juice, the fruit and even the crust.

The crust of lemon has 15 times more vitamins than the juice!

Besides from being anti carcinogenic, it also assists in detoxifying.  It also has an anti-microbial effect. It can kill worms, parasites, fungus and bacteria. It also fights depression and stress. It can balance blood pressure and nervous disorders as well.

Most crucial thing we should add on this list is anticancer properties. Scientists in the latest studies have discovered that lemonades or citrus fruits and juices, can be a proper cure and help in prevention of skin cancer and breast cancer. As addition they are perfect remedy for prostate cancer.
Limonoids and MCP are preventing cancer cells to grow. According to researches this treatment is 1000 more effective than chemotherapy.

Even though you can hear claims against this remedy, the people who used this method say that citrus fruits are proven natural home remedy against all mentioned types of cancer.

There is a good way to make use of the crust.


Take a large lemon and rinse it very well. Place it in the freezer and freeze it. It can be kept sliced too. When is frozen just grate it or grind it.

Sprinkle it on your favorite food like ice cream, soups, pasta,salad or drinks and enjoy it.

Important: This content reflects information from various organizations and individuals and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. As always, you should first consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

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